Would you agree with me that life in general is a stage?
Don't you think we are all acting the scripts we've been given with a little privilege of filling out the few empty spaces left.
People come, people go
Once our parts are played
Once our scripts have been acted upon
The stage bids us goodbye
But then the stage could call us up again
It might be to play a less important role or a far greater one.
And that's what many tag as 'life happens'
Some at this stage are disappointed to the extent they can't go up stage
Some lose their faith on the mic entirely
While to the rest few, they are so fixated on not giving up
They're the optimistic ones, always encouraged and ever ready to encourage
Their actions and inactions inspire us
They make the best use of the mic not minding the content of the scripts, not concerned about the talks of the audience but engrossed in their belief that they have purpose, the believe 'in pursuing a desired goal and vision', not minding the facts that they've been told everyone's role has already been prescribed by the manuscript.
They're the believers,
The ones that have found the light
Some of them driven by the cross
Some others by the moon and stars
They're the ones that count on 'a better tomorrow'
And fight for a greater course.
The struggle to them is not to fall but to get up!!
My question then is, where do you fall?
We say this life is all we've got but we wasting time and time again.
The role you're playing, the part assigned to you may not be good to you but the writer knows it is best for you.
So, Climb the stage, take the mic and better the story.